alignment and expansion
Welcome to your monthly energy report! Every month, intuitive alchemist Laura Brown unpacks the energy of the month ahead so you can align to the inner and outer rhythms of this experience and make empowered choices.
Hello December and the final weeks of the decade! The energy of the month ahead is an exquisite wave carrying us into 2020. We are more aligned with our authentic selves than ever before and ready to be seen.
We start with some major motivation that asks us to bring something forward in the world. This energy is slow-moving with its fierce determination which provides us with the stability to give roots to the vision we hold within. It may be changes within our corner of the world or something we wish to bring in service to the greater community. Regardless of where it falls on the spectrum we are each being pushed into a space that demands we expand into our fullest.
We are more aligned with our authentic selves than ever before and ready to be seen.
After months of tribulation and contraction, the expansion at the start of December can feel a little unnerving. Can we trust it? Should we embrace it? The answer to both is yes. There is a mastery to what we do this month. An awareness that we have been primed by the tension of the last few months so that now we can tap into our purpose and begin to stretch beyond what has been.
December 12th brings the final portal of 2019 and is bringing some major energetic upgrades. These upgrades actually began on 10/10, reached a new level on 11/11 and will be at their peak on 12/12. We are talking serious clearing to the throat and heart chakras, in particular. This is a clearing away of old wounds, of contracts spoken in deep hurt and anger and an awakening to our divine capacity to instantly manifest by voicing our innermost desires. There is a deep power in pulling an intangible wish from our hearts and giving it form with our words. On and around 12/12 do not underestimate the capacity you have to make miracles happen for yourself. Take some time to write down your desires for 2020 or if it’s possible, go outside and voice them aloud to the winds.
On and around 12/12 do not underestimate the capacity you have to make miracles happen for yourself.
By mid-month not only are we in full possession of the vision of what is to come but now are ready to begin taking those first steps towards the changes we desire to see. And here is the thing: It’s to the tune of our very own drum. It’s free of the fetters of what others think or the expectations therein. Every step we take is rooted in evocative energy that shows we are dialed on high. We are glowing when we are in this energy and everything we do shows this. We embrace our own unique way of taking space in and expressing our purpose. It’s an energy of being ourselves and giving permission to do so without fear of being judged or rejected.
By mid-month we are in full possession of the vision of what is to come.
This energy reminds us sometimes it’s not who we are but what we do and how we do it that matters most. Think of two songs recorded by different artists. Each will mold and shift the song to reflect their unique take on it so that it becomes something entirely different through their expression. Though others may be doing what you are doing now they are not doing it as you will and that is the magic we tap into mid-month.
Come the end of the month we must reconcile that when we are in this very creative, generative cycle we are naturally busier. Time may be a commodity that we feel in short supply of. We may feel busy and busted as we’ve been grinding away morning, noon and night. But busy and busted when in this creative cycle are not necessarily bad or wrong. And though we may not have ample time to rub elbows at holiday parties galore we are invited to learn the art of nourishing and caretaking through the busy. Take short breaks for healthy meals, hot baths and quiet moments in meditation. These will fuel us as we are in this creative cycle that demands we bow to what is most important right now.
This month’s mantra: I am the keeper of my own flame.
Join us for a very special LIVE shamanic energy journey with Laura Brown on 12.12 during which we’ll harness the healing powers of this portal and set our intention for 2020! All are welcome to this group healing as our holiday gift to you.
Dani Bruflodt of Thyme is Honey helps people increase their focus, motivation, and productivity through the power of hydration. She currently lives in Copenhagen with her husband and spirit animal, Walter.
Thank you, Nuala for inviting us into your space with this journey. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! xx
Thanks for sharing that meditation. It was lovely. Merry Christmas. Much love and healing to you and yours xx
So glad you enjoyed, Nuala! Happy holidays.